No matter how old you are, where you’re from or what you do for a living, we all share something in common—a desire to be successful. Each person’s definition of success is different, however, as some may define success as being a loving and faithful spouse or a caring and responsible parent, while most people would equate success with wealth, fame, and power.
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10 Small Things You Can Do Every Day to Get Smarter
You might be under the impression that intelligence is a fixed quantity set when you are young and unchanging thereafter. But research shows that you're wrong. How we approach situations and the things we do to feed our brains can significantly improve our mental horsepower.
That could mean going back to school or filling your bookshelves (or e-reader) with thick tomes on deep subjects, but getting smarter doesn't necessarily mean a huge commitment of time and energy, according to a recent thread on question-and-answer site Quora.
When a questioner keen on self-improvement asked the community, "What would you do to be a little smarter every single day?" lots of readers--including dedicated meditators, techies, and entrepreneurs--weighed in with useful suggestions. Which of these 10 ideas can you fit into your daily routine?
1. Be smarter about your online time.
Every online break doesn't have to be about checking social networks and fulfilling your daily ration of cute animal pics. The Web is also full of great learning resources, such as online courses, intriguing TED talks, and vocabulary-building tools. Replace a few minutes of skateboarding dogs with something more mentally nourishing, suggest several responders.
2. Write down what you learn.
It doesn't have to be pretty or long, but taking a few minutes each day to reflect in writing about what you learned is sure to boost your brainpower. "Write 400 words a day on things that you learned," suggests yoga teacher Claudia Azula Altucher. Mike Xie, a research associate at Bayside Biosciences, agrees: "Write about what you've learned."
3. Make a 'did' list.
A big part of intelligence is confidence and happiness, so boost both by pausing to list not the things you have yet to do, but rather all the things you've already accomplished. The idea of a "done list" is recommended by famed VC Marc Andreessen as well as Azula Altucher. "Make an I DID list to show all the things you, in fact, accomplished," she suggests.
4. Get out the Scrabble board.
Board games and puzzles aren't just fun but also a great way to work out your brain. "Play games (Scrabble, bridge, chess, Go, Battleship, Connect 4, doesn't matter)," suggests Xie (for a ninja-level brain boost, exercise your working memory by trying to play without looking at the board). "Play Scrabble with no help from hints or books," concurs Azula Altucher.
5. Have smart friends.
It can be rough on your self-esteem, but hanging out with folks who are more clever than you is one of the fastest ways to learn. "Keep a smart company. Remember your IQ is the average of five closest people you hang out with," Saurabh Shah, an account manager at Symphony Teleca, writes.
"Surround yourself with smarter people," agrees developer Manas J. Saloi. "I try to spend as much time as I can with my tech leads. I have never had a problem accepting that I am an average coder at best and there are many things I am yet to learn… Always be humble and be willing to learn."
6. Read a lot.
OK, this is not a shocker, but it was the most common response: Reading definitely seems essential. Opinions vary on what's the best brain-boosting reading material, with suggestions ranging from developing a daily newspaper habit to picking up a variety of fiction and nonfiction, but everyone seems to agree that quantity is important. Read a lot.
7. Explain it to others.
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough," Albert Einstein said. The Quora posters agree. Make sure you've really learned what you think you have learned and that the information is truly stuck in your memory by trying to teach it to others. "Make sure you can explain it to someone else," Xie says simply.
Student Jon Packles elaborates on this idea: "For everything you learn--big or small--stick with it for at least as long as it takes you to be able to explain it to a friend. It's fairly easy to learn new information. Being able to retain that information and teach others is far more valuable."
8. Do random new things.
Shane Parrish, keeper of the consistently fascinating Farnam Street blog, tells the story of Steve Jobs's youthful calligraphy class in his response on Quora. After dropping out of school, the future Apple founder had a lot of time on his hands and wandered into a calligraphy course. It seemed irrelevant at the time, but the design skills he learned were later baked into the first Macs. The takeaway: You never know what will be useful ahead of time. You just need to try new things and wait to see how they connect with the rest of your experiences later on.
"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future," Parrish quotes Jobs as saying. In order to have dots to connect, you need to be willing to try new things--even if they don't seem immediately useful or productive.
9. Learn a new language.
No, you don't need to become quickly fluent or trot off to a foreign country to master the language of your choosing. You can work away steadily from the comfort of your desk and still reap the mental rewards. "Learn a new language. There are a lot of free sites for that. Use Livemocha or Busuu," says Saloi (personally, I'm a big fan of Memrise once you have the basic mechanics of a new language down).
10. Take some downtime.
It's no surprise that dedicated meditator Azula Altucher recommends giving yourself space for your brain to process what it's learned--"sit in silence daily," she writes--but she's not the only responder who stresses the need to take some downtime from mental stimulation. Spend some time just thinking, suggests retired cop Rick Bruno. He pauses the interior chatter while exercising. "I think about things while I run (almost every day)," he reports.
Exam Preparation: Ten Study Tips
1. Give yourself enough time to study
Don't leave it until the last minute. While some students do seem to thrive on last-minute 'cramming', it's widely accepted that for most of us, this is not the best way to approach an exam. Set out a timetable for your study. Write down how many exams you have and the days on which you have to sit them. Then organize your study accordingly. You may want to give some exams more study time than others, so find a balance that you feel comfortable with.
About Indonesia
Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world is home to more than 195 million people. Mainly Muslims — with substantial Christian, Hindu and Buddhist minorities. Indigenous tribes still exist in Borneo to Irian Jaya in Eastern Indonesia. The presence of their pagan ancestry can still be seen, heard and felt by those who dare to breach the tourist frontiers.
While much of Indonesia's allure lies in its rich cultural tapestry and untamed wilderness, its cities and resorts are also famed for world-class visitor facilities. Divers are a fast growing breed of special visitors to Indonesia's many shores.
Tutorial Photoshop Membuat Zombie
Ini adalah hasil akhir tutorial membuat zombie dengan photoshop, untuk lebih jelasnya kalian bisa melihat video saya dibawah ini :)
Bile Esculin Agar
Bile Esculin Agar (BEA) is a selective differential agar used to isolate and identify members of the genus Enterococcus, also known as "group D streptococci".
Bile esculin agar contains oxgall (bile salts) to inhibit the growth of gram positive organisms other than enterococci and group D streptococci. It also contains nutrients, esculin, and ferric citrate. When an organism hydrolyzes the glycoside esculin to form esculetin and dextrose, the esculetin reacts with the ferric citrate to produce a dark brown or black phenolic iron complex.
If an organism can hydrolyze esculin, the media will turn dark brown or black. However, the test is interpreted as a positive result only if more than half the medium is dark brown or black after incubation.
Bile-esculin agar medium is prepared as agar slants or plates.
The constituent of Bile-esculin agar medium are:
- Peptone
- Beef extract
- Oxgall (Bile)
- Esculin
- Ferric citrate
- Agar
Bile esculin medium contains esculin and peptone for nutrition and bile to inhibit Gram-positive bacteria other than Group D streptococci and enterococci. Ferric citrate is added as a color indicator.
Principle: Bile-esculin test is based on the ability of certain bacteria, notably the group D streptococci and Enterococcus species, to hydrolyze esculin in the presence of bile (4% bile salts or 40% bile).
Note: Many bacteria can hydrolyze esculin, but few can do so in the presence of bile
Case Files Biochemistry
Often, the medical student will cringe at the “drudgery” of the basic science courses and see little connection between a field such as biochemistry and clinical problems. Clinicians, however, often wish they knew more about the basic sciences, because it is through the science that we can begin to understand the complexities of the human body and thus have rational methods of diagnosis and treatment.
This book is organized for versatility: to allow the student “in a rush” to go quickly through the scenarios and check the corresponding answers and to provide more detailed information for the student who wants thought-provoking explanations. The answers are arranged from simple to complex: a summary of the pertinent points, the bare answers, a clinical correlation, an approach to the biochemistry topic, a comprehension test at the end to reinforcement or emphasis, and a list of references for further reading. The clinical cases are arranged by system to better reflect the organization within the basic science.
Finally, to encourage thinking about mechanisms and relationships, we intentionally did not primarily use a multiple-choice format. Nevertheless, several multiple-choice questions are included at the end of each scenario to reinforce concepts or introduce related topics.
Finally, to encourage thinking about mechanisms and relationships, we intentionally did not primarily use a multiple-choice format. Nevertheless, several multiple-choice questions are included at the end of each scenario to reinforce concepts or introduce related topics.
You can download this book at HERE
Contoh KRS AAK Nasional Surakarta
Berikut ini adalah contoh KRS(Kartu Rencana Studi) AAK Nasional Surakarta
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Microbiology Of Food
is an indispensable item for all living organisms. All food items are
associated with microorganisms in one form or other. Foods get contaminated
during handling, harvest, transport and storage. Foods also get contaminated
due to the methods of food collection, cooking and preparation. Food forms an
ideal culture medium for the growth and multiplication of microorganisms.
Sterilization is the freeing of an article from all living
organisms, including bacteria and their spores. Sterilization of culture media,
containers and instruments is essential in microbiological work for isolation
and maintenance of microbes. In surgery and medicine, the sterilization of
instruments, drugs and other supplies is important for the prevention of
Sterilization can be effected in a variety of ways, which can be
conveniently categorized as follows:
Physical methods
Dry heat
Mechanism of killing
by dry heat:
Dry heat kills the
organisms by destructive oxidation of essential cell constituents
Killing of the most
resistant spores by dry heat requires a temperature of about 160 °C for 60
Dry heat is employed
for glassware; syringes, metal instruments and paper wrapped goods, which are
not spoiled by high temperatures
l It is also used for anhydrous fats, oils and powders that are
impermeable to moisture
Inoculating wires, points of forceps and searing spatulas are sterilized
by holding them in the flame of Bunsen burner until they are seen to be
This method is used for sterilizing scalpel, mouth of culture tubes,
glass slides etc.
It involves passing of an article through Bunsen flame without allowing
it to become red-hot.
This is the main means of sterilization by dry heat. Exposure at a
temperature of 160 °C for 1 hour is generally employed.
Source employed is an electrically heated element, the infra red
rays are directed on to the object to be sterilized and temperature of 180 °C
can be obtained.
Moist heat
Mechanism of killing
by moist heat:
Moist heat kills the organisms by coagulating and denaturing their
enzymes and structural protein
Sterilization by moist
heat of the most resistant spores generally requires 121 °C for 15-30 minutes
Moist heat is used for
the sterilization of culture media, and all other materials through which steam
can penetrate
Moist heat is more
effective than dry heat
Sterilization can be
done at lower temperatures in a given time at a shorter duration at the same
Moist heat can be employed at
1. Temperature below 100 °C
Examples : pasteurization
of milk
In Pasteurization of
milk the temperature employed is either 63 °C for 30 minutes or 72 °C for 20
seconds. All nonspore-forming pathogens in milk like Salmonellae,
M.tuberculosis are killed.
2. Temperature of 100
3. Temperature above 100 °C
Examples : Sterilization
in an autoclave
Autoclaving is the
most reliable method
It is the method most widely used for sterilization of culture media
and surgical supplies
When water is boiled
within a closed vessel at an increased pressure, the temperature at which it
boils and the steam it forms will rise above 100 °C
This principle is used
in the autoclave
Normally autoclaving
is done at 15 lbs. (pounds per sq. Inch pressure) and 115 °C for 15 minutes
Ultraviolet radiations
Ionizing radiations
When fluids are passed
through bacteria stopping filters, they are made free from bacteria. l It is
useful for making preparations of soluble products of bacterial growth such as
toxins. Liquids that would be damaged by heat such as serum and antibiotic
solutions can be sterilized by filtration. Efficient filters should be able to
retain Serratia marcescens.
Chemical methods
a. The temperature and time: they are inversely related, shorter time
is sufficient at high temperatures.
b. Number of microorganisms and spores: The number of survivors diminished
exponentially with the duration of heating
c. Depends on the species, strains and spore forming ability of the
d. Thermal death point is the lowest temperature to give complete killing
in aqueous suspension within 10 minutes
e. Depends on the nature of material: a high content of organic substances
generally tends to protect spores and vegetative organisms against heat.
f. Presence of organic or inorganic disinfectants facilitates killing
by heat
g. pH also plays an important role in the killing of microorganisms
There are different kinds of filters:
1. Earthenware candles - called Berkfield & Chamberland
Berkfield Filters
Made from Kieselguhr, a fossil diatomaceous earth
Three grades of porosity are available:
a. Veil - coarsest one
b. N - normal one
c. W- wenig the finest one
Chamberland Filters
Made from unglazed porcelain
Four grades are available:
a. L1- clarifying filters
b. L1a-Big
c. L2 - normal
d. L3- Finest
2. Asbestos and asbestos-paper discs filters - called Seitz
Made up of asbestos pads
Three grades are available:
K- clarifying filters
Special EK bacteria stopping filters
3. Sintered glass filters
Made from sintered glass
Different grades available:
Grades 1 to 5
Grades 1-2 are for clarifying purpose
Grades3-5 is for sterilization purpose
Cellulose membrane filters
Made up of nitro-cellulose membranes. Made with
different grades of porosity by adjusting the concentration of constituents
Fibre glass filters.
Advantages of heat sterilization:
1. Sterilization is very effective
2. Instruments are standardized to deliver the required effective
3. Heat deliver system can be monitored effectively with various
controls like pressure gauge, temperature meters etc
4. Established quality control methods available
Disadvantages of heat sterilization:
1. Steam impermeable materials like fats, oils and powders can not
be sterilized by autoclaving.
2. Heat sensitive materials can not be sterilized by heat
1. Serum can not be sterilized
2. Antibiotics
3. Plastic materials
4. Vaccines
5. Rubbers
3. Presence of organic matters interfere with effective
4. Dangers of explosion when high pressure is used
Singapore high school maths problem stumps the Internet
A maths problem that first appeared in a test for Singapore's elite high school students has baffled Internet users around the world after it went viral, prompting a rush of attempts to solve it.
The question, involving a girl asking two boys to guess her birthday after giving them scant clues, first appeared in an April 8 test organised by the Singapore and Asian School Math Olympiads (SASMO).
It was meant for 15- and 16-year-old elite secondary school students, but swiftly went global after a local television news presenter posted it on his Facebook page Saturday.
In the question, Cheryl gives her new friends Albert and Bernard 10 possible dates when they enquired about her birthday, before separately giving each of them further clues.
Test-takers are then asked to use logic to deduce Cheryl's birthday using a short conversation between the two boys about the information given to them.
By Monday Internet users around the world were posting meticulously detailed answers to the puzzle on social media networks such as Facebook and Reddit, only to prompt a slew of comments disputing their findings and methodology.
Others posted sardonic comments about "Coy Cheryl".
"Cheryl obviously didn't want Albert and Bernard at her party. Should have taken the hint when Cheryl decided to play this little game," wrote David Leong on Facebook.
The hashtag #cherylsbirthday also trended on Twitter, while some people created funny memes about the puzzle. "If Math would grow up and solve its own problems, that'd be great," read one such meme.
The "mind-boggling" problem also made the mainstream media, with leading websites including the Guardian newspaper and Buzzfeed publishing articles about the puzzle.
- Model answer -
In a Facebook post late Monday, SASMO provided the full question and a model answer, which can be found at
The post also clarified earlier erroneous reports that the question was not posed to primary school children, saying SASMO thought it important to specify the age of the students involved so "Singapore parents will not start to worry so much".
The question was "actually from the secondary 3 and secondary 4 SASMO contests held on April 8, 2015", it said, adding it was "meant to sift out the better students".
Following relentless but mostly friendly online debate about the question's difficulty level, SASMO's executive director Henry Ong on Tuesday afternoon issued another statement.
"We are pleased that this problem has generated so much interest and thinking from the public," Ong said.
"We are not saying this problem is for every student... but if this kind of problem can be used to stretch the better students to sharpen their analytical power, why not?"
Singapore is renowned worldwide for its national maths system, which has been emulated by schools in other developed countries and cities, including New York.
Singaporean pupils are ranked second in the world in mathematics according to the latest student assessment survey by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, beaten only by their counterparts in Shanghai.
Can you do it? Are you smarter than a Singaporean ten-year-old?
Go on, give it a try.
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